Wednesday, February 15, 2012

G-Force Workout Classes at World Gym - Palm Springs

My unique version of a G-Force Fitness class is a fun 55 minute rapid-paced strength and muscular endurance exercise class held 3 times a week at World Gym Palm Springs California. It's absolutely guaranteed to make you sweat! Each G-Force Workout hits every major part of your body: Chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, legs and abs - utilizing dumbbells, your body weight resistance, aerobic steps and an indoor running track.

In a typical G-Force class session, each workout sequence is divided into three parts. Each part is broken into several incremental 30, 45, 60 second rounds of heart-pumping, muscle-strengthening interval training exercises, all set to a fast-pace 130 beats-a-minute high-energy dance music mix!

This special combination of standing, squatting, step and reclining exercises for strength training and cardiovascular fitness is designed to help you get stronger and leaner. It also increases your vascular and muscular endurance and tones and adds definition to one's muscle mass.

Perhaps, best of all, a G-Force Workout is appropriate for all age groups and physical fitness levels. Just starting out? Drop the hand weights, slow your pace and simply use your body weight for adequate resistance. Looking to get really ripped? Attack the moves in double 'Cardio' time. Want to develop one's muscle definition and endurance? Switch up to heavier hand weights for a turbo-charged resistance session!

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